Tuesday, October 28, 2014

Subscribe to UniPhi and win an iPad or Galaxy tablet!

Win an iPad or Galaxy 
We're celebrating UniPhi OnSite's first 
birthday by giving away an iPad or 
Galaxy tablet through a raffle! 
So what do I have to do to enter? Simple. Just follow and/or
subscribe to UniPhi by clicking the icons below and you will automatically go in the running of the draw! The more UniPhi
networks you follow or subscribe to, the more entries you will 
have in the draw!

The raffle will be drawn on the 30th of November 2014 where the 
lucky two winners will receive an iPad or Galaxy tablet! 

Tell your friends!

Copy us into a referral and we will give you another entry

Follow us
to enter

*Terms and Conditions: To enter you must follow and/ or subscribe to one or more of UniPhi’s networks (as seen on 
the follow buttons above). Each follow, subscription or referral to UniPhi by the one person, will achieve an entry to 
the raffle draw. Offer may be forwarded to friends or family, who are welcome to enter, by following and/ or 
subscribing to UniPhi. Entries close 5pm AEST 29th of November 2014, and raffle will be drawn on 30th of
November 2014. Winners will be contacted on the 30th of November 2014, and announcement of winners will 
be made online on most of the UniPhi social network sites. By entering, you are giving UniPhi permission to use
your name and / or your username on any of the social network site that UniPhi is involved in (refer to above follow 
buttons), for the purpose of announcing the winners. Two names will be randomly drawn from a raffle held at the 
UniPhi HQ, therefore two winners will be announced and contacted of the news. To be fair, the winners do not 
choose between the two prizes, they will be awarded randomly amongst the two prize winners. Offer not valid for 
family or staff members of UniPhi.

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